Competitor Information

Detailed information for your day

Declarations Office

National Showjumping

ALL Showjumping Declarations must be made by 20:00 the day prior to competition in the declarations office or online at Declare or withdraw – Horse of the Year Show (

Any declarations after this time will not be accepted.

Declarations Office Opening Times:

Tuesday 3rd October: 12:00 – 20:00

Wednesday 4th – Saturday 7th October: 08:00 – 20:00

Sunday 8th October: 08:00 – 12:00

International Showjumping

Competitors will be required to declare their intention of starting in each competition at the Declarations Office. Declarations must be made in writing by the competitor or his/her authorised agent. After declaring, no substitutions will be permitted unless the Duty Veterinary Officer certifies that the declared horse has become unfit to jump since the time of declaration. The horse entry permit given by the veterinary surgeon on arrival of the horse/pony must be shown by all showjumping competitors to declarations before being allowed to jump. Declarations must be made on or before the evening prior to the class and no horse/pony will be permitted to jump unless a declaration has been made within the specified times.

Thurs 5th – Sat 7th October:

08:00 – 20:00 in the Declarations Office

20:00 – 23:00 in the International Riders Lounge

Equestrian Office

General enquiries, mark sheets, prize collections.

Tuesday 3rd October: 12:00 – 21:00

Wednesday 4th – Sunday 8th October: 04:45 – 21:00


Stable Managers Office

All stabling enquiries, fodder and bedding purchases.

Tuesday 3rd October: 11:00 – 21:00

Wednesday 4th – Sunday 8th October: 04:45 – 21:00

Passes Office

Collection of wristlets and on-site purchases.  It is the responsibility of the competitor to report for wristlets in person with the appropriate white competitor pass authorisation card, within these times.

Tuesday 3rd October: 11:00 – 21:00

Wednesday 4th – Sunday 8th October: 04:45 – 21:00

Veterinary Office

Veterinary Surgeons will be ‘on call’ outside the below times. Please contact the Security Officer based in the Stable Manger’s office between 21:00 and 04:45.

Tuesday 3rd October: 11:00 – 21:00

Wednesday 4th – Sunday 8th October: 04:45 – 21:00

Fodder Store

Galloway and MacLeod horse feed and HorseHage can be purchased from the Passes Office.

The following are available:

  • G&M Omega Breeding and Youngstock Mix £15.00
  • G&M Omega Competition mix £15.00
  • G&M Stable Mix £12.50
  • G&M Heavy Horse Mash £12.50
  • G&M Omega Cool Condition Mash £15.00
  • HorseHage Haylage: £10.00 per bale.

    Arden Wood Shavings – Safemix Bedding can be purchased from the Passes Office.
  • Safemix Bedding £10.00

Wristlet Information

Stable wristlets allow access to the stable areas and horsebox parks at any time and also to the Competitor Service Area. Stable wristlet holders are only allowed access to the arenas during arena familiarisation times. Competitors are advised to check the arena familiarisation schedule displayed in the Equestrian Office for their specific arena familiarisation time slots. Access to the TopSpec Arena outside of these hours and to the Andrews Bowen International Arena at any time will only be permitted to holders of valid Competitor wristlets.

Stable wristlets will allow the wearer access to the Retail Village each day after 17:30. Please note that this is access to the shopping only areas and will not allow access into any of the arenas.

Stable wristlets will not be upgraded to a Competitor wristlet until the relevant day(s), with the exception of Wednesday wristlets which will be provided to competitors arriving on Tuesday from 19:00.  Please note that there is no access into the arenas outside of arena familiarisation times on Tuesday due to rehearsals taking place.

Stable wristlets will only be issued on production of a white card. Wristlets are non-transferable and will not be replaced if lost, damaged, cut or broken.

All wristlets can now only be purchase on-site on the relevant day, please go to the passes office to purchase.

Competitor Seating

Seating for competitors in the Andrews Bowen International Arena has been reserved as follows:

Wednesday 4th – Sunday 8th (Daytime): Blocks 8, 9 & 10

Sunday 8th October (Evening): Blocks 8 & 9

The competitor seating area next to the Andrews Bowen Arena entrance is reserved for those competing in the class in the arena at the time.  Please note that this is limited in capacity and the organisers and the NEC security team have the right to ask people to leave this area.

Veterinary Surgeons

Under no circumstances will any Veterinary Surgeon other than the Veterinary Commission (Official Show Veterinary Surgeons) be allowed to treat any horse or pony at the show, unless prior permission has been received from a member of the Veterinary Commission. If permission is given, the veterinary surgeon concerned will be accompanied by a member of the Veterinary Commission.


Bridle numbers must be always worn by horses/ponies when out of the stable, during competition and during arena familiarisation times.

Back numbers will also be issued to showing and driving competitors and must supplement the bridle numbers during competitions. Back numbers will not be issued for showjumping classes.

Showing and Driving numbers should be collected from Showing Declarations, which is situated in the Stable Manager’s Office.

National and International showjumping numbers should be collected from Showjumping Declarations, which is situated in the Equestrian Office.

Numbers will only be issued after vaccination certificates have been checked and passed and the slip confirming this is issued. No horse/pony will be permitted to compete unless the horse entry permit has been produced at the Declarations Office no less than two hours prior to the class.


Stables will be available from 17:00 on the night they are booked for and must be vacated by 14:30 on the day of departure.

The organisers reserve the right to charge any additional days stabling to any person failing to remove their horse/pony from any stable by the designated time and further reserve the right to deduct such charge from any prize money due. Only shavings or our official bedding supplier may be used. Due to fire regulations, no unwrapped bedding which includes straw is permitted on the showground. Any found will be confiscated.

Competitors stabling on the evening of Sunday 8th October must vacate their boxes by 08:00 on Monday 9th October. To ease the process, some horses/ponies may be allocated a different stable for Sunday evening.

Emergency Contact Stable Cards (ECSCS)

ECSCs must be obtained from the Stable Manager’s Office upon arrival at the show. It is the responsibility of the owner/competitor to complete the card in full and affix to their horse’s stable door for the duration of their stay at the show. While every effort will be made to contact the owner/exhibitor of the animal, if unsuccessful, the Veterinary Surgeon will treat the animal as he/she finds necessary in an emergency.

Fire Evacuation Alert

In the event of a fire in the stable area, a warning will be given. Please read the emergency notes posted outside the Stable Manager’s Office.

Arena Familiarisation Times

Please refer to the arena familiarisation timetable for specific slots. In addition, please check the board in the Stable Manager’s Office for any amendments to published arena familiarisation times.

Course Walking

All competitors walking courses must be correctly dressed.

Finalist Rosettes

Competitors in national showjumping classes can collect their finalist rosettes from Showjumping Declarations/Equestrian Office, whilst showing and driving competitors will receive their rosettes in the ring.


Commemorative competitor plaques may be purchased by competitors from the Passes and Equestrian Office at a cost of £55 (including VAT).

Official Photographer

The official photographers are 1st Class Images and are located in the Competitor Service Area.


Phone: 07890978314


Official Video/DVD

JTV Production will provide a video service for competitors. All orders should be made to them after the show.


Phone: 0845 226 2793



In consideration of the residents living adjacent to the NEC, noise must be kept to a minimum at all times. The organisers are imposing a noise curfew on the showground (including the stable area and horse box parking area) each day between the hours of 23:30 and 07:00 or such other times as may be directed by the local licensing authority and as further detailed in the Stable Manager’s Office. Accordingly, every competitor must use their best endeavours to ensure that noise generated in these areas is kept to an absolute minimum so as not to cause a nuisance to neighbouring residents.

Retail Village

Competitor wristlet holders are permitted access to the Retail Village at the following times:

Wednesday 4th October:              09:00 – 20:30

Thursday 5th October:                  09:00 – 20:30

Friday 6th October:                        09:00 – 20:30

Saturday 7th October:                   09:00 – 21:30

Sunday 8th October:                      09:00 – 20:00

Food Outlets

On the arena concourse in the Andrews Bowen International Arena there are a variety of fast-food catering kiosks as well as the restaurants. Book online at In the Resorts World Forum Competitor Zone, the Silvermint Restaurant will be open for breakfast, lunch and dinner alongside a variety of fast-food options and two bar lounge areas.

Silvermint Opening Times:





Tuesday 3rd October

07.00 – 10.00

12.00 – 15.00

18.00 – 21.30

Wednesday 4th October

07.00 – 10.00

12.00 – 15.00

18.00 – 21.30

Thursday 5th October

07.00 – 10.00

12.00 – 15.00

18.00 – 21.30

Friday 6th October

07.00 – 10.00

12.00 – 15.00

18.00 – 21.30

Saturday 7th October

07.00 – 10.00

12.00 – 15.00

18.00 – 21.30

Sunday 8th October

07.00 – 10.00

12.00 – 15.00

18.00 – 21.30

The Retail Village also offers a variety of catering facilities options.

The NEC does not permit picnic hampers, baskets, glass bottles, flasks or canned drinks to be brought into the venue.

Mr Toastie

The Mr Toastie van, situated on the walkway from the Stable Manager’s Office to the Stable Service area, will be open 24 hours a day throughout the show. A huge variety of freshly prepared toasted sandwiches will be available.


The use of cameras and other filming or recording equipment is strictly prohibited in both the Andrews Bowen International Arena and the TopSpec Arena.


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